Maybe that's three months o

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Maybe that's three months o

Post by hasan018542 »

So starting with AdWords is a great way to go, especially because you can then show the cost to clicks comparison. So, for example, let's say we're going to run a 90-day ad campaign. We don't have to run it for all 90 days. We could run a campaign for a week, maybe even just three days, and if we get enough data, we can use that to extrapolate out. We can say, "Okay, we know that a 90-day ad campaign with Google, to get us into these sorts of average positions and get this much traffic, will cost us approximately $3,000.

We think it will bring us about 450 clicks based on what we've observed so far. free australian email leads That translates to about 10 leads, because we get about 1 per 40 to 50 visits, and we close about half the leads that come to us through search." All right. That's a 200% ROI, assuming that the average customer is spending $500 with us on their first visit, whatever it is. There's your ROI number. Now, what would happen if we ran a 90-day SEO campaign? Well, it turns out that's going to cost us $6,000.


f half of this person's salary, or it is three months of using this particular consultant or that kind of thing. What do we expect? Well, we expect that search visits, versus the 90 days prior to the campaign, for the 90 days after the campaign, not during the campaign because you'll be slowly ramping up. So you've got sort of that before period where you're here, the during period where you're ramping up, and the after period where you're sort of at that higher new medium.
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