Add an effective featured image: People

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Add an effective featured image: People

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

Add an effective featured image: People love images and adding a featured image before the post has been shown to give you 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets on Twitter alone. Check out sites like Unsplash for better-than-stock photos and then use a tool like Canva to add extra elements like text or icons.

Videos in Your Content Marketing Strategy
According to recent research, 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI while social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. That’s why digital asset management software is becoming more popular among content creators these days.

"51% of marketers say video drives the biggest ROI in your content b2b email lists poland strategy."
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Ryan Robinson YouTube Channel Screenshot (Example)
However, making videos can seem like a monumental task if you’re used to watching the highly-produced content from people like Gary Veynerchuk that have entire teams dedicated to producing his content.

You need specialized gear, a studio, lighting, sound, right? Not exactly, in DIY Viral Video: A Mini Class on Making iPhone How-To Videos, Darby Smart founder Nicole Farb explains how to create one of the most popular video styles out there—hyperlapse videos—with just your iphone.

If you’ve watched cooking recipes or DIY How-to videos online, you know the style. Present what you’re going to make, the ingredients, process, and end result, all in 60 seconds or less. Here’s how she does it:

Keep it short: Under 60 seconds at the most. If you can keep it under 30 seconds you’re killing it!
Have a plan: Think about your ingredients or props you need or how you’re going to show the steps
Use hand signals to communicate to your users: The majority of videos are watched without sound, so think of other ways to communicate what the user needs to know.


Use your tools: Skillshare uses the Hyperlapse tool, box to store their videos, and a video stand, which you can create with something as simple as two stacks of business books with a plank across. Place your camera on the edge of the plank and fire up your camera app. You can set a ‘stage’ for where you’re filming by taping it out on the table.
Gather your resources: Either bring them in one at a time or have them all laid out in your center stage.
Start with a compelling image: Either an impressive ‘finished product’ to arouse interest, or some unconventional ingredients.
Don’t worry about it being perfect: DIY videos go viral every day. If you can tell a compelling story in a short amount of time, it doesn’t matter if you shot it on your iPhone or a professional camera.
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