On your Telegram channel and pique the curiosity of those who want to read the full story on the newspaper’s website. Channels created by the audience also help in the brand strategy This is the case with Netflix and Amazon Prime Videos. Both companies don’t have an official Telegram channel, but allow their audience to create channels with updates about movies, series, releases, quizzes, behind-the-scenes, and much more. Follow the two cases below. Netflix With more than 430,000 subscribers, Netflix’s main (unofficial) channel on Telegram publishes various types of content every day, ranging from links to their newly launched projects to reviews and behind-the-scenes photos of the most famous characters and actors.
The channel focuses on delivering first-hand content and information to its audience, informing france phone number list the public about the platform’s news, and making the product more interesting by creating an exclusive environment for users who are on the Telegram channel. If you want to see how Netflix and other brands also behave on TikTok, check out this article I prepared to help you understand brands’ engagement strategies on the short video app. Prime Videos With more than 1 million subscribers, the unofficial Amazon Prime Videos channel has the same focus as Netflix — promoting Amazon movies, photos of characters and actors from the shows, and articles from the internet about the programs that are booming on Amazon.
In addition, the subscriber to the Telegram channel can select which language of movies they want to receive notifications in or that they are most interested in. How can my brand succeed on Telegram? The sense of community and exclusivity of information that Telegram channels generate for their subscribers is the key to keeping them active and interacting with brands on the app. Telegram can be an excellent complement to your brand’s digital strategy. To stand out there, follow the dynamic way that the platform requires, with short videos, quick news, tips, polls, and stickers, using all the features that the platform has to engage your audience and convert your subscribers into loyal customers.
This is a convenient way to retain audiences
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