For our very own .gov name. We’d need to provide a lot of paperwork to prove that we’re a legitimate government organization. It’s not any different for .edu domains. We’d still be required to show our legitimacy as an educational institution to qualify for such a domain. Let’s just say that it’s the internet’s way of preserving the authority and trust people have in these domains.
After all, we all turn to the .gov and .edu sites for precise information and essential purposes. Just think philippines telegram number list about the drastic consequences it would cause if the information on those sites were incorrect, spammy or outright scams. Google wants to rank valuable content regardless of the domain extension, and it recognizes that these .gov and .edu sites can provide that value to their users.
Actually, they don’t have a choice not to. However, the bottom line is that you could get the same link juice from a .com or .net site with just as high authority. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Are .edu and .gov Websites Overrated? Despite all the fuss about .edu and .gov backlinks, they may not be as valuable as they once were. The black hat SEO industry tries to finds its way around including followed links on these .
We can’t simply go to our local domain registrar and request
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