Environmental : this includes all the choices and actions aimed at maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship with the environment, decisions in the food , agri-food sectors , the responsible management of raw materials and water , air and vegetation resources . Another major goal that companies set themselves is to try to minimize the damage that risky climate changes can cause, such as CO2 emissions .
Social : includes all the initiatives by a company that have a social impact and that contribute most to giving it a positive image. Some of the most important aspects are human rights , both from a civil and working point of view, optimal working conditions and the denial of any form of discrimination. In short, all those choices that improve the general well-being of the community are fundamental.
Governance : concerns the policies adopted by a company in favor of an ethical and transparent commitment; it includes all the rules and procedures of management and control , and in general the internal aspects that define the identity of a company.
Why choose ESG criteria?
Investing to create value : this is the strategy adopted by major egypt whatsapp resource companies that allows for medium-long term investment. But what does creating value really mean?
This is perhaps the main objective of every company, and the use of ESG criteria fully supports them in this. Creating value does not only refer to increasing turnover, but it refers to something deeper: it is an inner wealth that one tries to reach and make known to others.
Why would a consumer want to become my customer? What makes us unique? Why not choose another company? Is it really worth it? These are all questions that a company asks itself daily in order to best set its goals, and this is where ESG criteria come into play.