Marketing loves sales. Sales loves marketing

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Marketing loves sales. Sales loves marketing

Post by rakibhasanbd4723 »

RYAN: Yeah, so you just got to remember one thing, right? right? That's the culture you have to sow, in my opinion. And if they truly love one another, it'll work, but they have to truly love one another, and let me tell you what I mean by that. When we first started marketing, it kind of felt like it was on an island. So you had this island over here called marketing, and sales just expects marketing to do their job and shove leads in their face that are the easiest leads to close on Earth. And that's it. That's just how marketing works, of course.

CAROLINE: In 90% of the companies, this is exactly what's happening, more, 99% of the companies.

RYAN: Yeah, pre-qualified mexico phone number search lead, registered, basically begging to buy your products. No, right? You will always have the lion's share of the work of the sales process on sales. It's going to be a thing like that, right? Will they be warmer and more knowledgeable about your product and a better pre-qualified lead? Yeah, we should be able to do that, but there are so many different sides to marketing, right? There's the marketing cash that you, quote, light on fire for branding. You have to do that. You literally have to do that. And I've gone from thinking like, okay, that's lighting, catch on fire. That's not, right? You have to build that brand. You have to do that. It might be farther down the line. Maybe you should start with marketing qualified leads and then move on to that. But one kind of feeds the other in that hand, as well. So the thing where we really started to accelerate was when we started to have weekly meetings between sales and marketing. And what we would do is marketing would tell everybody. And marketing kind of led sales in a way, I guess you could say, but meeting that they would say, look, here's what the market research is that we've done. Here's what we think our users would like to hear about our product.


So they know the forward, backward of the product. That's the other thing. Marketing has to understand the product just as well as sales. Everybody has to actually understand use cases, the whys, the wheres, the whos. All those things have to be understood uniformly in the exact same way from sales to marketing. The second piece is that once they do all of that information, like, research on marketing, they also have to tell them, these are the campaigns we're running. This is what the person will be thinking when they come in from that meeting. And then after they're done when they come in, here's how you're going to follow up.
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