The Influence Of Research Institutes

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The Influence Of Research Institutes

Post by mmehedi*# »

The nation absolutely has to have power. It’s one of the most important of the critical infrastructure sectors because, like information technology, it transcends everything.

Research institutes such as EPRI, the Cyber Security Center of Excellence, and NSCO have influence in developing NERC CIPs security standards due to their high level of expertise. Stakeholders from many australia mobile number list free different organizations come to the table in consensus to create the next generation of standards. Of course, each organization has its own agenda to promote and this ultimately colors the way the standards end up for better or worse. The public vetting process and sub-standards also play a role in determining the specifics of new NERC CIPs revisions

The Difficulty Of NERC Compliance


Once NERC CIPs regulations and standards are revised and agreed upon, they are implemented in the energy sector. Unfortunately, compliance teams, legal teams, and managers struggle with how to precisely to interpret these recommendations and requirements. They are often uncertain about what actions to take.
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