You may have heard the phrase: the money is in the list. In case you are new to affiliate marketing, this phrase refers to the email list. That is, a large part of online affiliate income is hidden in the list of email subscribers.
If you're just starting out, rest assured that the phrase is true. Not only does the list provide you with plenty of monetization opportunities, but it's also one of the few safe havens for saving money online.
Facebook may ban your ad account, Google may change its SEO rules , but your subscribers phone number user finder philippines still be on your list no matter what.
In this post, we will look at several tips on how to achieve the best results with the powerful combination of email and affiliate marketing .
1. Receive your inbox
If you want your subscriber to read your email, you need to make sure they see it first. The quest for a high inbox opt-in rate has three parts, let’s take a look at them.
affiliate email marketing
Source: MxTool
Domain. Make sure the domain you'll be sending your emails from isn't blacklisted. You can use tools like MxToolBox to check. If you've just purchased a domain, you'll be fine. But if you're taking over an existing domain, make sure it's not a spam hub.
Platform . Only use the best email marketing services, they will protect you from spammy behavior and they have IPs that will increase your deliverability rate . These two things go hand in hand. The fact that the email platform may have some rules and limitations ensures that you are a whitelisted sender. Be very careful with lesser known services.
Email – Too many links or “spam trigger” words (casino, free money, viagra, etc.) will significantly increase the likelihood of being flagged as spam.
Keep these three categories in check and your chances of reaching the inbox will improve dramatically.
2. Generate trust and authority
When you start getting good amounts of new subscribers, it's very tempting to start selling right away. You're already counting in your head that 1000 new subscribers a month with 1% conversion x affiliate commission = a great addition to your business.
Don't do that.
Sure, in some fast-paced funnels you can start sending out affiliate links right away, but your list will lose interest pretty quickly and your open rate will plummet.
A more profitable strategy is also a long-term one. Send a couple of emails with real value. Make your subscribers see you as an authority in the field. If you provide real value in the first email, there is a much higher chance that the same subscriber will also open the second and third.
What may seem like basic knowledge to you, perhaps immensely valuable to a newcomer? This authority building can be as simple as sharing some valuable tips in email to more complex tasks like organizing an event using a webinar platform for your subscribers. You can check out the best webinar software on the market today.
Once your authority is built and trust is established (since you've been providing real value for quite some time), you can start asking your followers to make a purchase or check out a service you like. The percentage of those who will do so will be noticeably higher.
3. Plan your sales funnels
Continuing from the previous section – plan your funnel . Make sure you have a roadmap of what your email sequence will look like. What will the subscriber receive immediately after entering the email? What will they receive tomorrow? What content is planned for this week?
You don't need to prepare emails for half a year, but make sure you have at least a week's worth of content. So, let's say between 1 and 3 emails, depending on your business niche.
This email chain will allow you to establish authority and trust with your subscribers , as they will receive valuable information from the moment they subscribe. No one will have to wait for you to sit down to write an email.
In this sequence, you will also have the opportunity to plan what and how you plan to sell to your audience. Depending on which of the profitable niches you are in, the monetization strategy should already be in place when writing the email chain.