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An essential part of growing a blog is

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:13 am
by zihadhosenjm55
An essential part of growing a blog is knowing exactly which metrics to measure and what data sets you should analyze. Without a working knowledge of the numbers that drive your blog, you won’t be able to spot free australian email leads to further improve and optimize, let alone understand how to grow a blog in the first place.

If you’re running your blog on WordPress, I highly recommend checking out MonsterInsights to help you decode and fully understand your blog’s analytics. All you have to do is link it to your Google Analytics account, and you can immediately start tracking how long people are staying on your site, what your most popular blog posts are, and much more valuable info.

38. Never stop A/B testing on your blog
Grow Your Blog by A-B Testing Your Content
No matter how great your blog is, I can guarantee you that there will always be room for improvement.

But instead of relying on gut feelings and guesses as to what changes might bring improvements, with A/B testing, you can get hard data on whether you’re achieving the best possible results to help grow your blog in the long run.

A/B testing (sometimes known as split testing) is a process that involves creating two variations of the same thing and analyzing which one produces the better results. You can A/B test virtually anything about your blog, from the best times to post, the copy of a call-to-action, to writing a headline for your latest blog post.


It’s important to treat A/B testing as an iterative process, where the key to success isn’t through making one huge change, but rather, in making several small adjustments over time. With rigorous, consistent A/B testing, you can continuously optimize and refine your overall blog strategy to ensure constant growth.

39. Automate & outsource with tools and contractors