After you identify the user, send an SMS OTP to the phone number taiwan phone number example linked to their account (if they have a mobile phone ). Check out the Twilio Verify API to get started or use the Verify+Flex plugin . Amazon does this in their automated system and it's easy to use: amazon sms verification during call While SMS is a less secure form of 2FA, it’s still much better than nothing at all: a 2019 Google study concluded that SMS tokens “help block 100% of automated bots, 96% of mass phishing attacks, and 76% of targeted attacks.
” 2. EMAIL VERIFICATION WITH OTP If the user is unable to receive an SMS (they have a landline, are traveling, or have changed their phone number), you can send a verification code to the email address on file. Visit the mail section of Twilio's Verify API to learn more. 3. THE TELEPHONE REMINDER The last time I called Verizon, they used this technique - the agent immediately called me back at the number on file.

It has the same effect as a 2FA via SMS -- making sure the customer isn't spoofing the phone number -- and it's a good option if your customer can't receive texts or emails (for those on landlines, for example). 4. SERVICE CODES netflix service code This set of methods assumes that the user is logged in or can log in to their web account. This is a reasonable expectation for most of your users, and promoting it can save you time.