Extraordinary support for progressive recovery: new levels

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Extraordinary support for progressive recovery: new levels

Post by shukla7789 »

As the pandemic progresses, the Government has just approved new support measures for employers facing greater difficulties , expanding the conditions for access to extraordinary support for Progressive Recovery, as well as greater incentives for training, with benefits for employers and workers. Stay up to date with the new measures.

Decree-Law No. 90/2020 , of October 19, was published yesterday (10/19/2020) , which introduces amendments to Decree-Law No. 46-A/2020 , of July 30, regarding extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity for companies that are in a situation of business crisis.

This support for the progressive recovery is part of the mechanisms that were created by the Government to support the maintenance of jobs in the context of the resumption of economic activity, through the Economic and Social Stabilization Program (PEES).

Given the constant evolution of the pandemic and its consequences on jordan whatsapp number database activity, support measures for the business sector have been reviewed periodically, with this being the most recent update.

This Decree-Law increases the scope of the Progressive Recovery Support, as it now includes employers who were previously prevented from using this support. This extension results from the creation of a new bracket aimed at companies with a drop in turnover of between 25% and 40% compared to the same period last year. In this case, the reduction in the PNT cannot exceed 33%, with 70% of the hours not worked being covered by Social Security.

On the other hand, it increases the support granted to employers with a drop in turnover equal to or greater than 75% , as these are companies that are in greater difficulties, also providing greater protection for workers' income.

For these more serious cases (with revenue losses equal to or greater than 75%), support for progressive recovery translates into:

Being able to reduce the PNT by 100% (total inactivity), with the contributory compensation due to the workers covered now having 100% Social Security contribution;
In cases where the PNT is reduced by more than 60%, the worker's compensation will be adjusted to ensure that workers receive at least 88% of their normal gross salary (including remuneration for hours worked and not worked).

Associated with these 2 new exemptions is another support – a 50% reduction in the employer’s Social Security contribution.

In both cases, in the case of micro and small companies , there is also another support – a 50% reduction in the Social Security contribution that the employer is responsible for , with regard to the value of the salary compensation between October and December.

Complementary training plan

Changes are also introduced to the regime applicable to the complementary training plan , increasing the value of the grant to which employers and workers covered are entitled, and at least 50 hours of training must be ensured.
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