Aksi Marsovich
Intergalactic expert
So, your website is up and running, and you are waiting for an avalanche of applications. But they still don't arrive by email. And clients call with the question: "I left an application on the website, can't you see it?"
Let's figure out why this happens and what to do about it.
There are two ways to send emails from the site:
With the help of website hosting. Almost any hosting provider active telegram number data that provides services for hosting websites on the Internet has a mail server in its infrastructure (specialized software like Sendmail, Postfix, Exim) and can send email independently. This method is used by default. That is, if you do not enter any additional instructions into the website code, the website will transfer outgoing letters for sending to the hosting mail server.

Using a third-party service. If you specially prepare a site, it will transfer outgoing letters for sending not to its hosting, but to the mail server of some third-party service. Most often, Gmail, Yandex. Mail, Mail. Ru are used.
The main differences in the methods of sending emails
Sending via the hosting mail server does not require any additional settings on the site, and to send a letter via a third-party service, you must have a registered account on this service and, together with the letter for sending, transfer authorization data from it (real e-mail and password to it) - no services will send your letter as anonymous. At the same time, there is such a nuance - most services consider recently created and little-used boxes suspicious and do not allow sending mail from the site through them. The hosting always sends a letter on its behalf and does not require any additional data.
Note: If you use a third-party service, when changing your mailbox password, do not forget to change it in the site settings.
Large mail services adhere to very strict security policies, but at the same time comply with each other's requirements. Therefore, there are practically no problems when sending letters between these services. But when sending a letter through a website hosting, a situation often arises when the receiving party considers the letter suspicious and sends it to the recipient's "Spam" folder.
This happens because when sending via hosting, the "From" (Return-Path) field can be filled in arbitrarily. Most often, the site owner specifies some non-existent mail with the site domain (for example: info@sitedomain. ru), if he does not expect responses to letters, or an existing one, but located on a third-party service, if feedback is needed. But the service field "Received" will always contain real information about the mail server that sent it.
Tip: If notifications end up in your Spam folder, set up a filter (incoming mail processing rules) in your account for such emails so that they are always placed in the inbox.
It is impossible to say for sure which method of sending notifications to choose. If sending letters is needed only to notify the site administrator about events occurring on the site, the "Default" method is sufficient. However, if notifications will be sent to site users, or the hosting initially has bad relations with mail giants, or, for other unclear reasons, a large number of letters do not reach the recipient, it may be worth choosing the second method.
But it is worth remembering that any actions with a registered mailbox may affect the functionality of notification delivery from the site. For example, if the service suspects you of sending spam, the mailbox will be blocked, and not only will the site no longer be able to send letters through it, but the owner of this mailbox will not be able to use it for his personal correspondence.
In any case, no matter which method is chosen, it is very important to thoroughly test all forms of feedback before launching the site. And it is desirable to have an additional method of notification about received applications: SMS, recording in CRM, 1C or other services.
The choice of notification methods from the site should be approached with increased attention, because the effectiveness of the site as a tool for selling goods and services depends on the correct and prompt sending of notifications.