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Facebook post dimensions are used in 3 different sizes;

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:34 am
Atatürk’s arrival in Ankara is a very important event for the establishment of the independent Republic of Turkey and the start of the War of Independence. Many developments and preparations such as the establishment of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the establishment and commencement of operations of the Turkish army were made in Ankara.
December 27 Mehmet Akif Ersoy Death Anniversary
Mehmed Ragîf, later Mehmet Âkif Ersoy, Turkish poet, veterinarian, sri lanka mobile phone number teacher, preacher, hafiz, Quran translator and politician. Mehmet Âkif Ersoy is the author of the İstiklâl Marşı, the national anthem of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. He is remembered with the titles of "Vatan Poet" and "National Poet". He died in Istanbul on December 27, 1936.What are Social Media Image Sizes?
We have covered the details that are not paid attention to but are very important, such as cover images, profile photos and post sharing used on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the most used social media networks in Turkey. From now on, you will be able to share professionally on these platforms, which are the identity of your brand or personal accounts.
What are Facebook Image Dimensions?
We start the answer to the question of What are Social Media Image Dimensions? with Facebook dimensions. Facebook ads image dimensions consist of 3 different image dimensions. In addition to the quality of the image used on social media, its size is also very important. Small images can be pixelated or images shared outside of their size can cause you to fail in terms of visuality. No one wants to see a half-full Facebook story, right?
Let's take a look at what Facebook image dimensions are. If you haven't created your Facebook account yet, you can easily create one here .

Facebook profile photo : Must be at least 180×180 pixels. You should choose a square image with a 1:1 ratio. However, since Facebook will display your profile photo in a circle, design your image or text by gathering it in the middle area.

Facebook cover photo : Must be at least 851×351 pixels. It is very important to design your Facebook cover photo as your store's sign. Don't forget that you can use scrolling images and videos. The Facebook cover photo is fully visible on the desktop, but as you can see in the image, the right and left areas are not visible on phones and tablets.

Facebook horizontal post : 1200×630 pixels in 16:9 format. It should be a horizontal rectangular size.
Facebook square post: 1080×1080 pixels in 1:1 format. You should use this size when you are going to create a square post.
Facebook vertical post : You can use 1080×1352 pixels in 4:5 format. This size is suitable for images where you will use a vertical rectangle.