In another column (call it "Value"), multiply the Wordtracker searches by the value you assigned to the position for which that term ranks. Phew. You're all done. If this sounds complicated, it really isn't. I have created a Google Spreadsheets template doc here in case you need some help. The value field will be populated if you enter the keyword rank and daily searches. Keep in mind that I haven't even included keyword conversion rates in the process.
could be? Which YOUmozzer is up to the task? If y usa email database ou build off of this spreadsheet, please post a link to it in the comments below. I’m sure many of you are like me and one of the first things you do in the morning is head to SEOmoz and check out the blogs. Along with seeing the new posts, I'm also always checking out my MozPoints and watching them grow, or shrink sometimes.
In one of my past posts I did a case study of MozPoints and a few members discussed how they would like to see real-time related graphs of their MozPoints over time. That time is now, I would like to introduce a new little side project I’ve been working on, default, you get thelast-click wins view. You can however, override that setting but then your data still isn’t complete. You cannot get the first-click and last-click data at the same time in the same profile.