Maybe there's just an inch to squeeze in

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Maybe there's just an inch to squeeze in

Post by rakibhasanbd4723 »

ALEX: Well, first of all, thank you again for having me on, and yeah, you know, when you think about going to market, if you think about having to compete with the leader, you're going to have a really tough time, right? Because if you're competing with the leader, you have to talk about the leader, right? In your marketing, and your sales, and your presentations, and so you're really giving a lot of head nods to the person in the lead, and I don't think that's a good approach. So when I talk about domination, I talk about discovering something in an industry that if there are leaders, but there are space for...

but you squeeze in and you present yourself in a mobile number data base manner that is so unique, and will understand what you're saying, but they have to see that there's something so different here that there isn't anything like it in the market, and it shouldn't be a lie, by the way. You should not go in there and lie and say you have something that you don't have, right? So when you go to market, you have to have something that actually works and you can stand behind, and that you can be the best in the world at, right?

So if you can be the best in the world at something, you're not competing with anyone, you can start to carve out your own sort of not just niche,but your own category, right?



ALEX: And so, for me, when I think about going to market and I think about domination,I think about what is it that I can say or I can do for my audience that only my audience will hear? Let me explain to you what I mean by this, okay? Back when I owned a marketing agency in 2000, from 2005… It's actually my business partner still runs it. When I was running that company with my business partner, I had to come up with a concept, because we were doing so many great things for our clients and marketing, that to explain to my clients what we were doing, I had to come up with this analogy, and the analogy is what is the greatest marketing tool ever invented? What's the greatest marketing product ever invented, ever? What defines a great marketing, and great marketing is being able to target your audience, and your audience responding, right? That's great marketing. You targeted them, and they responded. Well, there's one product out there that's better than all, and that is the dog whistle, okay? A dog whistle knows its audience, and the best part is its audience knows it. Talk about domination, that is domination.

CAROLINE: Right, right.
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